
Wednesday 5 February 2014

How much sleep do you have?

I woke up at 4.30 this morning, to toddler-daughter's cough, which appeared out of nowhere yesterday.  A quick nappy change, and a suggestion of water, but although she was in the mood for a cuddle and a back rub, no water was touching her lips. 

D was fast asleep and TD is a two-person job when cough medicine is needed, as she's so lopsided, crashing into her cot bars because she's too tired to co-operate.  Besides, I lay in bed for half an hour listening on the monitor (in between stereo snores) and both were sound asleep. 

So I came downstairs for an online potter, reading blogs and newspapers.  Logging into Facebook I see that a lot of my other parent-friends are online, too....what did parents do in the morning before 1997?  Before Channel 4 arrived? 

In another half an hour D will tread the floorboards and not long after that TD will wake for milk and Shreddies and my morning routine will consist of getting us all out of the house on time. 

Just enough time to read the Huffington Post UK and another coffee.  

Good morning to you all.